Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sleepy Saturdays? No way!

Does anyone else think our English professor's mannerisms slightly resemble Kramer off Seinfeld? I love my ENG 101 class. He definitely makes sure no one falls asleep on a Saturday! Thank God!

A Member Of The Nerd Herd

So I joined my English Professor's book club. I'm super excited. Does that make me a nerd? LOL, oh well if it does. Feels kinda like "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants-ish" Ha ha!

I think today after classes I'll make a pit stop by the library to pick up the first book, The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Sounds interesting. Like nothing I've ever read before that's for sure... I wonder what it's about?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Transition Smition...

I am gonna have to break down and get satellite for my tv. Great. I have put off and put off getting a converter coupon and now... it's too late! Grrrr

Saturday, January 24, 2009

One Should Plan Ahead It Seems

This morning I narrowly avoided humiliation in my local super-grocery store. I'd held certain items back to the end of the line so that they could be bagged together and then hustled out to the car. It's kind of this OCD thing I do, a place for everything and everything has a place. Plus, it's freezin out there today. Brrrr.

I shop by myself, but on occasions, my boyfriend goes with me. On the chance that this would be one of those occasions, it was my desire to keep a few select things from amongst my purchases away from his eyes.

Additionally, my washer and dryer were in need of some repairs. I purchased the items I needed for this purpose along with the groceries. I wanted them segregated so that they wouldn't get tossed (and then forgotten) into the general population of stuff.

And I got a snack.

I held these items to the end of the conveyor belt, placing the standard groceries in front. But when I viewed the grouping I was holding till the end together, I thought better of my plan and hastily scattered the items throughout the remainder of my groceries. Separately, most of the items would have raised no concerns. But the particular combination of items I'd wanted to be bagged separately was a little…odd. What do you think?

Some new black panties and a matching bra.
A can of WD-40.
Two rolls of duct-tape.
One large box of condoms.
A chocolate bar.
Oh my...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fear Fear Itself

Think, think, think... that's all I seem to do these days... Whether it's the good, the bad, or the ugly. My mind races with never ending questions, comments, and ideas so that no single moment is sacred anymore. How do I rediscover myself? I like to think I'm doing just that.

Why do I feel like I'm here for everyone to take from? Why do I allow them to take? Take my mind, my heart, and in the end, my spirit... Why do I not even realize my own self worth enough to demand the best? Why do I question myself and why is it that I'm so hard to love? Or maybe I'm too easy to love, so much so that the love turns into being taken advantage of... I'm tired of knowing I deserve the best but being ok with whatever...

I'm done, no more... I will not give into words being written, emotional phone calls, lack of communication or promises that I know are so hollow. I must change this patten that I bring upon myself. I've always been so afraid of change but it's about time I get over that fear, for fear will only make me weak.

In The Dark

Yup, I am sitting in the dark at my house. And not by choice. I came home today from a long stressful day at school hoping to enjoy a nice hot bath and a good book.... Only to find that my garage door wouldn't open. I've been having problems with it lately so I didn't think much about it. I jumped out of the Jeep and ran my freezing cold butt through the side door and manually lifted it. That thing is heavy! On my way in the house I noticed the lights wouldn't come on in the kitchen. What the hell???
I was expecting a package for my business, so I go to the front door to see if at least that had arrived (it's a week overdue), nope, no package. But what I did find was a piece of paper wedged between the glass doors. A disconnect statement from the utilities company! Those little assh.... well, anyways...
I had made payment arrangements with them the week prior. What in the world was going on? So I give them a call. By now it's six o'clock at night. I get some after hours guy that could care less what was happening, and probably gets irate people calling him at all hours of the night, screaming about how miserable their life is without power. Try as I may- he tells me I will have to come in, in the morning, and talk with someone else. Great. There goes my relaxing night.

So, I sit here, by candlelight, thinking about the many other things I had decided to blog about. The "battery low" warning light continously blinking in my eye. Yeah, good luck buddy. You want some electricity to power you up, like I want a good hot bath to power me down.

