Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Update of an Update:

So yeah, not taking the Stackers anymore. THEY MADE ME A COMPLETE (excuse my french) A B*TCH. I don't know why. Maybe that's the reason me and the boyfriend are calling it quits. Cause I was so b*tchy??? You got me man.

So nooooow, I'm back to house hunting and apartment shopping. OMG I hate it. With a passion. I now remember why I agreed to move in together in the first place. TO AVOID WHAT I'M DOING NOW. I've had a long day of looking at stinky, dumpy apartments and over priced houses. I just wanna go home and take a long bath. HMPH, I think that's just what I'll do... In four more hours after I pick up Chris from work UUUGGGHH!

On My Mind Again

I'm eating tomato soup and grilled cheese, but the only thing on my mind is S-U-S-H-I! But then again, what else is new? People in Japan are so freakin lucky...

To Post or Not To Post

Yup that's the question. It's so hard to blog three times a week (and not on the same day, lol) when I don't have internet! I live too far out in the sticks. Grrrr

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sushi Anyone???

Btw, if anyone would ever like to meet up for sushi sometime, I'm down. I love sushi and meeting new people =)

Pepper Burps?

Oh man, I feel odd. I dunno if I can take these Stackers! I've felt like the pill has been stuck in my throat for the last two hours. I feel it everytime I swallow. Odd. Odd. Odd.

And also...I know this is gross... It's making me burp, and when I do, it tastes like PEPPER! Eww!

Diet Daze

So on my quest to get healthy and lose a few pounds... I've started taking Stacker 3's. Yeah I know... most people wouldn't use healthy and Stacker 3 in the same sentence. But I have no will power. So, I must resort to diet pills. Today is the second day. I'm definitely not hungry... Yesterday I took one after lunch and I felt like a crack head! I had tons of energy and talked incessantly, and it lasted all night. Now this morning is a totally different story. I woke up around 6am like usual. Took a Stacker. Now i feel like crap. My stomach hurts and I'm kinda crabby, everything is getting on my nerves. Especially my boyfriend who is sitting beside me singing in a girl's voice to a man's song... UUUGGGHHH!!! I ate an apple for breakfast because it says not to take on an empty stomach. Guess an apple wasn't suffice. I'll probably have my usual Subway for lunch, then I'll take another pill and see how it goes. I can't wait for my taxes to get here. I've been looking at ellipticals here lately. I love those things. I can do three miles easy, all shiny with sweat and grinnin the whole way. Very low impact on the body. Good investment indeed.

Gran Torino

I went and saw Gran Torino last night. Good times. At first I thought it was a very prejudice movie.. but it was all part of the story line once it was all said and done. Clint Eastwood is getting so old. But he's still an amazing actor. I wasn't expecting the ending, but it was still a really good movie none the less. So was Eagle Eye. I highly recommend both movies.

